July 3, 2024
To jest element tekstowy. Kliknij ten element dwukrotnie, aby edytować tekst. Możesz też dowolnie zmieniać rozmiar i położenie tego elementu oraz wszelkie parametry wliczając w to tło, obramowanie i wiele innych. Elementom tekstowych możesz też ustawić animację, dzięki czemu, gdy użytkownik strony wyświetli je na ekranie, pokażą się one z wybranym efektem.
While US federal taxes stay the same for your income brackets, the tax burden varies at the state level. It includes state income taxes and property taxes. To put the most crucial information in one place, we will discuss the states with the highest and lowest tax burden in this article.
Before moving forward, let us briefly explain what state income tax is.
Federal income tax is the same across the US. However, state income tax varies greatly among states. State income tax is defined as the tax you pay based on how much money you earn.
State income tax can significantly impact your standard of living. Therefore, learning about the most heavily and lightly taxed states can help you make better decisions.
States with the Highest Income Tax in the US:
California: 13.3% — annual income over $1 million.
New York: 10.9% — singles earning over $1,077,550. Couples earning over $2,155,350.
Hawaii: 11% — singles earning over $200,000. Couples earning over $400,000.
Oregon: 9.9% — singles earning over $125,000. Couples earning over $250,000.
New Jersey: 10.75% — annual income over $5 million.
Minnesota: 9.85% — singles earning over $164,400. Couples earning over $273,470.
Vermont: 8.75% — singles earning over $204,000. Couples earning over $243,750.
District of Columbia: 10.75% — annual income over $1 million.
Iowa: 8.53% — singles earning over $75,420.
Wisconsin: 7.65% — singles earning over $263,480. Couples earning over $351,310.
States with Zero Income Tax in the US:
It might be surprising to learn that some states in the US have completely exempted their citizens from the state income tax. They are as follows:
South Dakota
States with the Highest Property Tax in the US
Property taxes can also vary depending on the state. Following are the states with the highest reported property taxes in the US:
New Jersey: 2.20% or higher.
Illinois: 2.10% on average.
New Hampshire: 1.93% on average.
Connecticut: 1.79% or higher.
Vermont: 1.83% on average.
Texas: 1.69% on average.
Nebraska: 1.65% on average.
Wisconsin: 1.61% on average.
Ohio: 1.59% on average.
Iowa: 1.53% on average.
States with the Lowest Property Tax in the US:
Conversely, the US states with the lowest property taxes are as follows:
Hawaii: 0.30% or lower.
Alabama: 0.40% on average.
Colorado: 0.51% on average.
Louisiana: 0.55% on average.
District of Columbia: 0.55% on average (not technically a state).
South Carolina: 0.57% on average.
West Virginia: 0.59% on average.
Nevada: 0.60 percent on average.
Wyoming: 0.61% on average (no income tax).
Utah: 0.62% on average.
Whether you want to move to a different state for education, work, or family, learning about state-level taxes can be helpful. You also have to factor in other costs, such as insurance can also have a material impact. This list covers most of the necessary information. For more information like this, explore our other articles.
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With: income tax, property tax, tax, tax burden, top countries, united states, US tax
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